Saturday, January 21, 2012

stepping stones

we don't have money to travel
but we can get a passport for when the day comes

we can't even afford a passport right now

i am making  steps forward..
 we don't have the money right now but we will

Sunday, January 8, 2012

short term

life is life so be it..  dig it and dance

so to get what i want in the big picture i need to tend to small pictures
i need to get healthier
i have come a long long way
but i am obese
i need to find a way to lose weight
i can't seem to lose any after my hysterectomy

in hind sight i wish i would have taken g's advice and taken the alternative route and kept my parts
but i was suffering and didn't have the strength for that
but i wish i would have tried
but too late..that ship sailed 
on spilled milk a long time ago!
combining  silly phrases!!

i need to be more strict on how i eat.  cutting out grains has really helped me feel much better.  but i need to try harder to  keep out the sugar and carbs.  the biggest thing is increasing what i eat.  i need more veggies. i need to not use lack of funds and winter as an excuse.  the SFW takes effect.. so what fresh veggies are harder to find.. buy smaller amounts..get a few kinds make a veggie soup or stew or even a pickled salad.  i don't really eat that much sugar.  it is not so much what i eat but what i am not eating.

and exercise.  recently i am just moving whenever and however i can.  i am not stressing over..well i only did 10 minutes.. and i am not letting no space stop me.  I'll run in place, i even do jumping jacks..kind of .  my right shoulder won't go that high.  i even dance and do the twist. whatever i do i will do it fast then slow then fast again.. get my breathing going and my heart rate up.

next is getting rid of the clutter and mess...this is a bigger problem than me but g says i have everything i need so i guess it is just another part of me i haven't tapped yet.
so i will tap it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

saying something
 g told me to get this book.  it came on Dec. 30th.
i have only read about a dozen or so pages and it is great so far.
it is a part of my journey.
i keep repeating old bad habits and painful patterns.
one day i hope to be free from all of the habitual pains i let happen

one in particular.

we had a great new year's eve.
i smiled the whole night and i didn't drink
i feel strong and determined

i don't have much to say right now
i have things i don't wish to express

i am making baby steps now forward to
the things i want

it is not a list like go to the store
balance the check book
some of it is like
visit New York city

another part of it to live
to breath and live in joy
to make up for the years i lived in pain
because i thought i was safer there